Thursday, November 23, 2006

A little note

Damn you blogger beta. I switched just before I moved to vox. I wanted to keep this open so I could reply to your posts. But every time I hit login and publish, it tells me I must sign in to Blogger Beta.

Then it takes me back to the dashboard. When I try to post a comment again, it tells me the same thing. This is very annoying.

If anyone is reading this, can you tell me if you keep LJ feeds of your knitting journals.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm sorry.

Dearest blog

In life, there are peaks and there are troughs. This is not working out between us and I think, deep down, you know it too. I'm sure out there is the perfect blogette for you, but it's not me. I'm too young to make such a long term commitment.

Also, I've met someone else, goes by the name of Vox.

I will always remember you fondly as my very first knitting blog.



P.S. you can now find me here

Jelly on a Plate

The Noro Kureyon has become an FO!
Well actually two. Or three if you count each seperate armwarmer.

The Hat.

My lovely housemate claims that it looks like jelly. I love jelly so I'm calling it my Jelly set. (Pun not intended).

One of the armwarmers. I've still not quite
figured out the whole blogger-layout thingy. I want the righting beside the picture, not underneath!!! I'm not too pleased with the thumb on this guy. It sticks out a lot colour wise.
They are also too short for my liking. I'm temped to frog the thumbs and re do them.
See? How is that going to keep my thumb warm?

And here's the set:

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I know what I'm going to do with the Noro!
A simple ribbed hat and armwarmer set. If I make the hat first I can make "top dow" armwarms to make the arms as long as I like/can. Woo!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Yes, I know, I said ages ago I'd post pictures of Rogue.
And here you go...

Mmm... Superhero pose.

I hate taking photos of myself, it's such a pain, and they never come out very good. PAH.

I love cables. Really. I really really love them, possibly more than chocolate or good music. The cables on this jumper were more advanced than stuff I had done before. In fact the whole jumper is probably the most complicated thing I have ever knitted.
I liked the construction (I love knitting stuff in the round once I get going. Although, I love seaming as well. Yeah, maybe I am a bit of an odd ball).

The hood is probably my favorite bit. That and the kangaroo pocket. I loved that too. I love pockets. Almost as much as I love cables.

There are a few mistakes in the jumper: I have two little holes where I've started the cabling chart on the neck, and I bodged up the cableing a bit on the left sleeve.

I still love it though, and I think it's something I will actually wear. Even though I find it as itchy as hell. I guess a few wears and washes will sort that one out.