Thursday, August 31, 2006


Am I the only person in the whole knitting world who does want to knit socks? Well.. I do want to knit them, but I know I'd get bored and I'd end up with a million half socks or half pairs of socks and loads and loads of sockweight yarn.
I have got a knitting book entirely of sock patterns, and I'd love to make some of them because they look lovely. All the pictures I've seen of other people's knitted socks look lovely.

I'm just a bit rubbish at keeping to schedules. I promised myself I'd finish Rogue before buying new yarn, but then I went a bit mental and bought loads of yarn. And then I promised myself I'd only tackle one project at a time. But now I've started two. What can I say? Yarn is irrisistable! And I have a rather limited attention span.

On the plus side, the clapotis is a little dull to knit (I say a little, what I mean is: Oh my life kill me now!), as is the baby jumper so it does make a nice change to swap over.

I really must get started on the body of Rogue though. I really want it finished because it's such a gorgeous jumper. I was going to add some pictures to this post, but then I got bored. See what I mean about the short attention span?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Some of my yarn arrived today. First up is the Noro Kureyon. I love love love the colours of this yarn, they're so bright and vibrant. I don't really know what I'll be making with this

I think I'd like to make a funky hat and a pair of wrist warmers.

This is the yarn from the Natural Dye Studio. It's going to be a clapotis for a friend.

Can anyone tell me how to "wrap" text around pictures?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


This is one sleeve of Rogue. The other one is nearing completion.

It's a surprisingly quick knit, and the cable makes it rather interesting. I love working out how different stitches make different patterns, and how you can use different stitches and techniques to make different styles and such like.
Nice black mark there where my thumb was held over the lens.

I think I messed up the cable a little bit on this arm, but you can really see it.

I'm looking forward to knitting the body and the hood, particularly the cables.

I'm also going to knit a clapotis, something out of 4 balls of Noro Kureyon, and a jumper for my cousins new baby.

I'm excited about knitting baby things, because they'll knit up quick, and they're kind of cute.

I'm excited by the Noro because its expensive and it comes in gorgeous colourways and I think I deserve expensive yarn once in a while.

I also think that I need to explore the full potential of blogspot, because as you can see, my layouts, and content to be quite frank, leave a lot to be desired.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

And, Lo, She Returns

Well. It's been a while.
In the couple of months (?) that I haven't posted here I have gone from being a student to being UNEMPLOYED. Yes, that's right folks, I am trying to get a job.

It also means I have plenty of time to knit and do other crafty things.
I brought two projects with me (harry potter diagonally scarf and Rogue), and left my stash at my parents house when I moved back to Southampton. I am missing my stash.
I'm also sewing a dress for my friend for hir cocktail party birthday bash in October. I can't get my sewing machine to work at the moment though ( I think the needle is in the wrong way). I've threaded it all correctly, but it doesn't make a stitch. The thread goes through the needle front to back, and I think that it needs to go left to right. Anyone?

I've nearly finished the first sleeve of Rogue, and have developed a bit of an infatuation with cables. I'm planning on making a cabled scarf with harry potter colours (all four houses) for a friend, although this a) may be a disaster, and b) might decide it wants to stay with me.

Right, back to those application forms.