Monday, June 19, 2006

Jumper Pieces

I have finished the corset pullover.
Well, not totally. But the pieces are there.
I have decided I hate hate hate finishing. My jumper is going to look so rubbish. And it is *so* heavy.
Even without the sleeves.


I totally suck.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Damn my tiny hard drive

I was going to post some pictures of the jumper I have been working on.
I finished the sleeves last night, and only have the back to do now. Alas, my hard drive is full of stuff, so until I get a box to plug in the hard drive from my old computer I can not upload pictures from my camera.
This also means I can't upload the million photos I took at my Graduation Ball on tuesday.
I get my results on Friday *fear*.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The travelling knitter

I'm staying at my parents house for a few days, and as I have *nothing* to do (except find a job but lets just leave that one right now) I've been knitting (and reading and playing Zelda - but mostly knitting). I got home to find my rowanspun yarn had been delivered. It's purple not blue like in the picture, but that was a pleasant surprise as I love purple. I've stolen purlfriday's idea for the yarn to make Rogue, although I've not brought my own computer back with me (slightly long story - trying to hide a new computer from my father) so I don't have the pattern.
This however is a good thing as it means I can concentrate fully on my corset pullover.
It's going rather well. I have the front and one sleeve finished. No pictures I'm afraid as my camera is at home.
Tomorrow I am going to visit some friends in London, and for the train journey I am going to take the other sleeve. I'm usually pretty scared to knit in public because I don't like to attract attention. But I'm starting not to care so much. Which I suppose is a good thing.
I also really want to finish this jumper because it looks so nice in the photo. And I want to start rogue. And BPT. And a corset thing from knitty that I want to wear to a pirate themed party!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mouse House

When I was little, my godmother used to have a knitted (or possibly crocheted) mouse house. It had a mummy, daddy and baby mouse, and they lived in a tree stump house. They had little tables and chairs in their house, and it was amazing.
When my godmother moved out of her old bungalow into a house with her friend, she decided to give this mouse house to the church fete.
Well, actually she asked my mother if I would like it, but my mother said no. On my behalf. Without telling me. But this is no place for me to rant about my relationship with my mother.
I am going to try to recreate this mouse house. In all its rodent glory.
It will take a while.
But watch this space

Coming Soon: Diagon-alley Scarf & Hat, for when the winter returns (so next week then).